Bansal College of Pharmacy organized a One Day e-Workshop on Blood Test: Blood Group, RH Factor, Bleeding Time, Clotting time Hemoglobin, Glucose, Cholesterolfor students. 250 students and 30 staff members participated in this workshop.Moderator of Event Prof. Prof. Priyanka Singh started the events by welcome of our Dignities. The programme was inaugurated by Virtual lighting the lamp in Presence of Chief Guest Dr Sanjay Jain Joint Secretary BGI, Guest of Honor Prof. H.B Khurasiya Director BGI, Convener of the event Dr. Satish Nayak, DirectorBansal College of Pharmacy.A lucid speech about the purpose of the workshop was delivered by our Subject Expert Prof.Mamta Yadav.
She insisted the focus of the workshop is to provide both the theory and practical knowledge. The event was coordinated by Prof. Priyanka Singh. Total No. of Participant was 280. The Workshop ended with a word of appreciation by the Dr.Satish Nayak, Director, Bansal College of Pharmacy, highlighted the importance of workshopThe program was concluded with distribution of certificates and collection of feedback from the participants.