Bansal College of Pharmacy organized Expert Lecture on “Organic Farming Opportunity and Challenges”. The programme was attended on live by participants including Faculty, Research Scholars, Industry Experts and Students. The Lecture began with a word of appreciation by the Dr.Satish Nayak PrincipalBansal College of Pharmacy, highlighted the importance of Lecture.The programme was inaugurated by Virtual lighting the lamp in Presence of Chief Guest was Dr Sanjay Jain Joint Secretary BGI, Guest of Honor Prof. H.B khurasiya Director BGI, Convener of the event Dr. Satish NayakDirector Bansal college of pharmacy, Keynote Speaker was Prof. Abhinay Dwive,. Bansal College of Pharmacy. Coordinator of Event was Prof. Priyanka Singh.Total No. of Participant was 217. E- Certificate given to all participants.