The orientation program began on 11 December 2021 with the welcome of the Chief Guest of the event Dr. Mohan Lal Kori Principal at Vedica College of Pharmacy,Bhopal, Guest of Honor of the event Dr. Sanjay Joint Secretary BGI, Dr. Satish Nayak Director Bansal College of Pharmacy, students, their parents and faculty members.
Followed next was lamp lighting ceremony accompanied by Saraswati Vandana. Next, a brief description of the institute, which included the motto, history and reputation of college along with recent achievements was given by the Dr. Satish Nayak, Director, Bansal College of Pharmacy.
Dr. Sanjay Jain, Joint Secretary BGI also welcomed the students and motivated them to excel in their respective fields. He also mentioned the features of BGI and the guidance that the students will be getting through it.
Dr. Mohan Lal Kori, Principal at Vedica College of Pharmacy then expressed his cultivating ideas. He exhorted students to prefer research, entrepreneurship over on campus placement, education should be knowledge oriented rather than placement oriented. Students should try to attain overall development in sports, extra-curricular activities in addition to academics.
Then the students were addressed by HODs of different Departments. Prof. Shobhit Shrivastava, HOD and Exam Controller after that presented a brief on academic structure of the institute, along with grading scheme and results.
Mr. Diwakar next discussed miscellaneous affairs of the institute scholarships, student welfare, code of conduct.
Librarian of the institute Mrs. Vineeta explained in detail about the vast inventory of literature available at the library, both in form of book as well as e-books.Further, all the facilities present at the library were given a short mention, like wifi, LAN, reading halls, journals.
Next up, was the cultural program that featured dance performances by various students, karaoke song performances, instrumental vocal performances. Certificates were distributed to all the participants.
The program was coordinated by Dr. Priyanka Singh Assistant Professor, Bansal College of Pharmacy.