
An Educational Visit To *Vindhya Herbal,* Bhopal (19th and 20th September2024)

 An Educational Visit To *Vindhya Herbal,* Bhopal (19th and 20th September2024)

Bansal College of Pharmacy, Bhopal organized an Educational visit to *Vindhya Herbal,* Bhopal on 19th and 20th September 2024 for students of B. Pharm of 5th and 7th  Semester. Vindhya Herbals is a brand name of products manufactured by MFPPARC. It is run by M.P. Forest Department officials.  It is among the eight pharmacies recognized by Government of India for supply of Ayurvedic drugs to the Ayush Department of different states.

During visit to medicinal garden all the students along with lecturers gain lot of information about all the medicinal plants existed in the Vindhya Herbal. Well Trained guide from the Vindhya Herbal presented so many aspects of all the medicinal plants to the students. Various kinds of plants that we come across are: Amla. Beheda, Adhatoda, Allium, Aloe, Asgandh, Cannabis, Cardamom, Clove, Common lavender, Coriander, Daruhaldi, Datura herb, Fennel, Green Tea, Periwinkle, Rakta Chandan, Rauwolfia, Sarpagandha, Sallakiguggul, Zingiber, Capsicum, Anise herb, Rosemary plant etc. During the visit, all the students practically come to know well about morphology of the various medicinally plants as well as essential pharmacognostical information about the plants.

Main aim of Educational visit is to provide an exposure and hands on experience to herbal industry, aligning with our curriculum and enhancing out students learning experience.It will help students identify various herbal plants and their biological names, medicinal benefits etc.

The visit was coordinated by Faculty Prof. Smita Jain,Prof. Amit Sahu, Prof. Ritu Sharma, Prof.Purnima Tripathi, Prof.Maneesh Sahu, Prof.Ankit Gour and Prof. Adarsh Sharma and Non Teaching Staff were Mr. Sourabh Shivhare, Ms. Chandrawati and Mr.Tushar. Total no of student were 112.