Bansal College of Pharmacy, Kokta Campus, Bhopal Organized an Expert Lecture on Research
and Development Funding Schemes: A Glance” on 7 th August 2024 for VII semester Students
The Programme was inaugurated by lighting the lamp with Saraswathi Pooja in Presence of
Eminent Speaker Dr. Deepa Iyer Research Associate, Former Principal Investigator DST
Woman Scientist (WOS A) M.P. Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal.
Welcome address was given by Dr. S. Nayak, Principal, Bansal College of Pharmacy.
The objective of the lecture series was to provide insights on paper writing and funding
opportunities in different research areas.
Expert Dr.Deepa Iyer share their expertise and insights about Research and development. She
shared her insights on the reviewers’ parameters on the evaluation of MPCST, CSIR, SERB,
ICMR, DBT and DST proposal. she also shared about the various government funding schemes.
About 50 participants attended and the lecture was useful and very informative to all attendees.
The program was coordinated by Prof. Purnima Shukla. The above programme was very
Informative and appreciated by each participant.