Bansal College of Pharmacy organized Super Critical Fluid Technology in Drug Discovery and Development. Moderator of Event Prof. Priyanka Singh started the events by welcome of our Dignities. Dr. Satish Nayak Director of Bansal College of Pharmacy, Convenor of the Seminar welcomed the guests and delegates. The programme was inaugurated by Virtual lighting the lamp in Presence Chief Guest Dr. Sanjay Jain Joint Secretary BGI,Special Guest Mr. Parth Bansal, Board Member, BGI, Guest of Honor was Dr. H.B. Khurasia, Dr. S Nayak, Director, Bansal college of pharmacy, Eminent Speaker Dr. Vimal Kumar, Dean School of Pharmacy, ITM (SLS) Baroda,Vadodara, Guj. .The event was coordinated by Prof.Priyanka Singh. Total no of Participant was 219.E certificate given to all participants.