RGPV University organized a Two-day workshop on New National Education Policy (NEP) 2020from24 to25 March2023 for faculty members.
The main objective of this Workshop was to create awareness about the National Education Policy-2020 amongst teachers and to aware them the changes in curriculum, the shift in pedagogy and its implementation of the holistic development of its stakeholders, the students.
The session was conducted by different resource person, passionate educationist and professionals and a freelance teacher trainers. They explained that the new National Educational Policy-2020 seeks to introduce and implement a sea of changes across all levels of education in India. Further, they apprised the educators that the New Education Policy is based on the pillars of access, equity, equality, affordability, accountability and will transform India into a vibrant knowledge hub. Team of NEP also expressed the importance of using a holistic and multidisciplinary approach which will enable the learners to adapt and reinvent themselves to the demands of socio-cultural changes. There was Q and A session in which the educators expressed their concerns and raised their queries. The workshop was very enlightening and interactive and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Workshop was attended by Dr. S. Nayak, Principal, Bansal College of Pharmacy, Prof. Shobhit Shrivastava, Dr. Priyanka Singh and Prof. Purnima Tripathi.