A seven days training program was organized by Bansal College of Pharmacy, held on from 26th of September 2022, the aim of this training session has to create professional awareness and carrier opportunities in pharmaceutical industries and its role in health care system. Our eminent trainer Mr. PriyanshRajak, he is currently working in Lupin Ltd., Mandideep at the post of executive officer.
In this session topics were focused
Major Departments of Pharmaceutical Industry and roles of different department in Pharmaceutical Industry,introduction about products of Lupin Limited Mandideep, synthesis of products, major equipment’s used in production, DMF & Modules, and various Guidelines followed by International Pharmaceutical Industry, work styles inside the industries, pattern of management, department interlinking and line clearance activity. and one of the major activity change controls explain how it will begin and ends, annual reports preparation for US.
In this session B. Pharmalast year 73 students were attended this program and 14students were shortlisted for final HR round of interview session. The Program was coordinated by Ms. Vandana Narvariya.