Bansal College of Pharmacy has signed MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with
MITCON Consultancy and Engineering Services limited Indore, LNCT University
Bhopal, SAM Global University Bhopal, on collaborating Professional training, loaded
with technical expertise insight to the Pharmacy students of Bansal College of Pharmacy,
who will be the future pharmacists of the leading innovation in the industry. The program
started with Saraswati Poojan followed by welcome of the guests by a bunch of flowers.
Dr. Sanjay Jain Jt. Sec. BGI highlighted the importance of collaboration in the form of
This MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) Signing provide a structured framework in the
areas of student research activities, exchange of information and Implementation Plan.
The MoU was signed in the presence of Shri. Sunil Bansal Secretary BGI, Dr. Sanjay
Jain Joint Secretary BGI, Mr. Parth Bansal Managing Director of BGI, Prof. (Dr.)
Akhlesh K. Singhai, Director & Dean Academics, School of Pharmacy LNCT University
Bhopal, Dr. Shailesh Jain Dean, SAM Global University Bhopal, Mr. Ajay Maru Centre
Coordinator MITCON, Indore (M.P.) Dr. Manish Manoriya Director BIRT & BIRTS. Dr. S.
Nayak Principal of Bansal College of Pharmacy, Bhopal. All staff and a huge number of
students were attended.
The Program was coordinated by Dr. Priyanka Singh.