An air-conditioned, Plant Tissue Culture Lab equipped with state-of-the-art equipment at Bansal College of Pharmacy, Bhopal was inaugurated byParth Bansal, MD, Bansal Group and Dr. Sanjay Jain, Joint secretary.
It is to be known that tissue culture technology is being adopted in the country for the conservation, promotion and popularization of medicinal plants. With this technology, thousands of plants can be prepared in a few weeks by taking a small part of plant tissue, which are prepared in a controlled environment and are disease resistant and of good quality, no effect of weather on the plants produced by this technology. No and requires very little space.
By research with this technology, new varieties containing high quality active ingredients can be developed and medicinal plants can be produced in more quantity in less time.This technology can develop active constituents of extinct species of plants and which take a lot of time to grow in normal environment and at low cost.
This state-of-the-art lab of College of Pharmacy is equipped with all types of high quality equipment like laminar flow bench, aseptic cabinet, autoclave, glass bid sterilization and other equipments by which plant tissue culture culture is done without any contamination.
Gayatri Dhote Tissue Culture, Lab Head,said that at present, research is being done on the active constituents of medicinal plants like Kalmegh, Ashwagandha, Sarpagandha and Keedajadi and students are also being given proper training.
Due to which these skilled pharmacy students will get good opportunities to enter this field of Biotechnology. Along with this, employment opportunities can be created by promoting this technology in the state and progress can be made towards self-reliant India.
Principal, teachers, staff and a large number of students were present on this occasion.