Bansal College of Pharmacy organized a program on “Zero Waste Awareness Program” by The Kabadiwala.
The Program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp in presence of Dr. Satish Nayak Director Bansal College of Pharmacy, whole team of The Kabadiwala and HODS of different Deparments. TheKabadiwala.com (Start-up India Recognized) is a product of Asar Green Kabadi Pvt. Ltd. , A technology driven company working on SaaS (Software as a Service) based model for the technology platform to make Smart Waste Management system.
Mr.Sachin Thakur and Ms Soniya Nain explain the concept of 3Ri.eReuse, Reduce and Recycleto students.
Event was Coordinated by Dr. Priyanka Singh, Associate Professor, Bansal College of Pharmacy. Total No. of Participants was 110. The Lecture ended with a word of appreciation by Dr. Satish Nayak, Director Bansal College of Pharmacy. He also highlighted the importance this program.