Madhya Pradesh State Price Monitoring and Resource Unit State Level SeminarFaculties and VII Semester Students Attended Seminar on “Fixation of maximum price under NLEM-2022”under “Ajadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” ensuring availabilityVenue: RCVP Noronha Academy of Administration and Management, Bhopal (M.P.)19 July 2023. .NPPA Joint Director Mr. Ratan Khatwani threw light on NPPA organizational structure, plans of NPPA to ensure availability, affordability and accessibility of medicines for all.Honorable Dr. Sudam Khade, Secretary, Public Health and Family Welfare Department, Madhya Pradesh and Controller, Food and Drug Administration, Madhya Pradesh told everyone that Madhya Pradesh Drug Department and price monitoring and resources are always available for monitoring the prices of medicines and ensuring the availability of medicines. and stressed on the need to monitor the prices of medicines to make them affordable especially to the needy.In the program, Dr. Sarita Bhonsle, Project Coordinator, Goa PMRU, gave a lecture on the Pharma Sahi Daam app, so that the right medicines can be made available to the needy people at a low cost.