A six days Pharma marketing training program was organized by Bansal College of Pharmacy from 01stNovember to 7thNovember, the training program was conductedforb. Pharm7th Semstudents.Theaimof this training program was to enhanceknowledgeand skillin thefield
o f Pharma marketing and sales,work effectivelywithintheworkplace and getmore carrieropportunitiesinthepharmacyfield.
Our eminent trainer Mr. Abhijeet Vashishth Sir have almost 33 years’ experience in sales marketing in Anglo-French Drugs and industries, indigo Remedies, Natco fine Pharmaceuticals, Associated with Manufacturing plant atRoorkee orchid biotech and S.R. Formulations India Pvt ltd and Fortnox Pharma a generic drugs co. As Managing Director.
In this session topics were focused a brief introduction of carrier aspect of sales, marketingandthemindsetofthebusiness, time management science and its effect on personal andprofessionallife.An introduction to communication skills and how these skillsinfluencethemarketingfield.personalitydevelopmentandpreparationandtheimportanceofpersonalityinthemarketingfield, processofsalesandmarketing.
Onthelastdayofthetrainingprogram,followup,ROIandDatacollection and Analysis was conducted.In this training program B. Pharm 7th Sem 65 students were presented. The program was coordinated by Prof. Purnima Tripathi.