A six days Computer training program was organized by Bansal College of Pharmacy, held on 19th of September to 21th October, for B. Pharm 7th, 5th, 3rd Sem students. The aim of this training session has to enhance computer literacy which is helps to enhance efficiency workflow and overall experience within the workplace and open up many more carrier opportunities in pharma field.
Our eminent trainer Mr. Sanjay Nath Tiwari have 14 years of experience in Computer department as an IT officer.
In this session topics were focused introduction about Microsoft Word,Microsoft Office keys, Interface, The Title Bar, The Ribbon Menu System, Home Tab Toolbar, The Ruler, and Printing Documents. Insert Table, Insert Picture, Header and Footer, Insert Page Number, Symbol. Date and Time. Document Formatting, Paragraph Formatting, Alignment of Textand Paragraph, Margins, Page Borders, Bullet and Number Lists, Spacing, Page setup, Power Point Presentation and Template in various color scheme, Slide Sorter, Slide Transition and Animation effects. On the last day of training session, a computer quiz and test were held.
In this session B. Pharm 7th, 5th, 3rd Sem 49 students were attended this training program and the training program was coordinated by Prof. Jyoti Manhar, Prof. Purnima Tripathi